
The Maryland Men of Faith (MMOF) organization desires to challenge and encourage other men to incorporate Jesus in all that we do. It focuses on teaching and learning from the Word of God so that all might grow continuously in His likeness and reflect Christ to others.


  • Inspiring men to behold the character of Jesus

  • Encouraging men to follow the life of Jesus

  • Challenging men to spread the message of Jesus


The idea of MMOF began with one layman from the Atholton Seventh-day Adventist Church. Years earlier, he had attended the Michigan Men of Faith conference that changed his life. Inspired to be a more committed father, husband, and follower of his Creator and recognizing the needs of others, the idea came to begin a similar conference. He prayerfully reached out to two other men and eventually the three men organized the first MMOF conference in October 2006.

From the beginning, local churches, and the Chesapeake Conference of Seventh-day Adventists have fully supported the laymen organizers of the MMOF ministry. Since 2006, volunteers have grown in number, and they spread the work among them as their God–given talents allow.

Maryland Men of Faith is an official ministry of the Triadelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church.


"The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall." Ellen G. White, Education p. 57

MMOF Leadership


David Buruchara

Jim Howard

Justin Kim

Mark Mashburn

John Rengifo

Tony Williams


Tony Williams, Chair

David Kavistan, Secretary

Akeem James, Programming

Juan Cabrera, Communications

Mark Mashburn, Logistics

Paul Rivera, Finances